Lawrence Hargrave School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9602 3823


Literacy continuum

The NSW literacy continuum K-10 describes a student's progress in literacy across the curriculum. It identifies behaviours that demonstrate how a student's skills and understandings develop in eight critical aspects of literacy.

From 2018, the national literacy and numeracy learning progressions will be phased in to replace the existing literacy and numeracy continuums.

7–10 description

The mandatory curriculum requirements for eligibility for the award of the Record of School Achievement (RoSA) include that students:

  • study the Board developed English syllabus substantially in each of Years 7–10, and
  • complete at least 400 hours of English study by the end of Year 10.

Course Description

The study of English in Years 7–10 aims to develop students’ knowledge, understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the English language and to develop their skills as effective communicators.

Students develop their control of language by reading and viewing a range of texts and by writing imaginative, interpretive and critical texts with clarity and accuracy for a range of purposes and audiences. Students engage with and explore literature of past and contemporary societies, as well as a range of spoken, visual, media and multimedia texts.

What will students learn?

Students learn to develop clear and precise skills in writing, reading, listening, speaking, viewing and representing. For example, in developing writing skills, students learn about sentence structures, grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and spelling.

Students study a range of texts including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, films, media, multimedia and digital texts. The texts give students experience of Australian literature and insights into Aboriginal experiences and multicultural experiences in Australia, and experience of literature from other countries and times including texts that provide insights about the peoples and cultures of Asia.

Students also study texts that give experience of cultural heritages, popular cultures and youth cultures, picture books, everyday and workplace texts, and a range of social, gender and cultural perspectives. Students experience Shakespearean drama in Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10).

Students develop their skills, knowledge and understanding so that they can use language and communicate appropriately, effectively and accurately for a range of purposes and audiences, in a range of contexts. They learn to think in ways that are imaginative, interpretive and critical. They express themselves and their relationships with others and the world, and reflect on their learning in English. 

Particular Course Requirements

The study of English in Years 7–10 involves the following text requirements:

In Stage 5, the selection of texts must give students experience of Shakespearean drama.

Record of School Achievement

Students who have met the mandatory study requirements for English during Years 7–10 will receive a grade for English for the Record of School Achievement.