Lawrence Hargrave School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9602 3823

Year 11 - 12

Course No: 16671

2 units each for the Preliminary and HSC

Board Developed Course

Exclusions: Work Studies

Course Description

The world and the communities in which we live are continually evolving. Equal opportunity legislation and the role of technology have been influential in changing the types of work that people do, the way work is done, where work is done, and who it is done by. Furthermore, the skills, aspirations and needs of young people are also ever changing. The Work and the Community Life Skills course is designed to prepare students to make the transition into a successful adult life in a way that reflects these changes.

The successful transition of students into post-school endeavours and working life is a vital contributing factor to their long-term well-being, and the development of self-image and self-esteem. The Work and the Community Life Skills course is designed to assist students to reach their maximum potential as active and informed members of society. The syllabus focuses on developing students’ literacy and numeracy, self-determination, independence, social participation and employability skills so that they have the confidence to recognise themselves as valuable contributors to society and to know what support is available for them.

It is expected that all students enrolled in Work and the Community Life Skills will gain practical experience in contributing to the community and the workforce.

Main Topics Covered

The structure of the Work and the Community Life Skills course allows teachers to provide a broad and balanced program that reflects the needs of individual students within the context of the collaborative curriculum planning process. Students may study outcomes and content from one or more of the following six modules:

  • The future
  • Communicating at work and in the community
  • Rights and responsibilities
  • Problem-solving at work and in the community
  • Work experience and community-based learning
  • Ready for the future.

Teachers will design a program based on the selected syllabus outcomes and appropriate to the students’ strengths, interests and aspirations.


Particular Course Requirements

On entering students for the Work and the Community Life Skills course, the principal is certifying that the student is eligible and the decision is the result of the collaborative curriculum planning process.



Students are assessed in relation to the selected Work and the Community Life Skills outcomes and content. Students may achieve Life Skills outcomes independently or with support. Demonstration of achievement of outcomes is recorded on the Profile of Student Achievement.

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