Lawrence Hargrave School

Together We Achieve

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History 7–10

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The mandatory curriculum requirements for eligibility for the award of the Record of School Achievement (RoSA) include that students:

  • study the Board developed History syllabus substantially for each of Years 7–10, and
  • complete 100 hours of History in Stage 4 and 100 hours of History in Stage 5.

Course Description

History develops in students an interest in and enjoyment of exploring the past. A study of History provides opportunities for examining events, people and societies from ancient, medieval and modern times, including twentieth-century Australia. Opportunities to develop a deeper understanding of civics and citizenship are a feature throughout the Years 7–10 History syllabus.

The History Years 7–10 course includes Life Skills outcomes and content for students with special education needs

What will students learn about?

In Years 7–8, students explore the nature of history, how historians investigate the past and the importance of conserving our heritage, including the heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Aspects of the ancient, medieval and early modern world are studied, including daily life, beliefs and values, law and religion. The nature of colonisation and contact history may also be investigated. One ancient Asian society is a mandatory study.

In Years 9–10, students learn of significant developments in the making of the modern world and Australia. Mandatory studies include Australians at War (World Wars I and II) and Rights and Freedoms of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Other topics may include the making of the Australian nation, the history of an Asian society, Australian social history and migration experiences.

What will students learn to do?

Students learn to apply the skills of investigating history, including analysing sources and evidence and sequencing major historical events to show an understanding of historical concepts including change and continuity, causation, contestability and significance. Students develop research and communication skills, and examine different perspectives to develop an empathetic understanding of a wide variety of viewpoints. Students also learn to construct logical historical arguments supported by relevant evidence and to communicate effectively about the past for different audiences and different purposes.

Course Requirements

All students must complete a site study in Stage 4 and in Stage 5.

Record of School Achievement

Students who have met the mandatory study requirements for History during Years 7–10 will receive a grade for History for the Record of School Achievement (RoSA).

Students undertaking a course based on Life Skills outcomes and content are not allocated a grade.

Further information about the Record of School Achievement (ROSA) can be found on the NESA website.